Our Actions

We walk the talk of sustainable winemaking. We ensure each lightweight bottle leaves the land better than we found it. We're doing our bit for climate change from our revegetation project, using renewables and wastewater re-purposing.  Our good intentions lead to wonderful rewards, with biodiverse vineyards enriching our wines' flavours while native fauna flourishes. 




Discover Our Sustainability Efforts




Sustainable Winegrowing Australia (SWA) is Australia’s national certification program that regularly audits our vineyards and wineries to ensure that we are striving for best practice in sustainability. It also allows us to benchmark ourselves against other wineries and collaborate for continual improvement. We have worked with our network of growers to ensure that our own vineyards and 100% of our family growers are SWA certified.

What this means: You can trust the SWA trustmark as a stamp of science-backed, third-party audited sustainability program. A mark that stands for a high level of sustainable practices, helping shape the wine industry for a sustainable future.

Oxford Landing is a certified member of Sustainable Winegrowing Australia.


As Silver members of International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA), our business is aligned with the United Nations Race to Zero and science-based emission reduction targets toward carbon neutrality.

What this means: We collaborate with like-minded wineries to reduce carbon emissions across the global wine industry.



See How We’re Restoring Nature and Reducing Our Environmental Footprint



1:1 Plantings

For every hectare of vineyards we own, we have at least the equivalent area planted to native vegetation. In 2007, we purchased 600 hectares of farmland next to our vineyard and devoted ourselves to replanting and regenerating native flora and fauna, bringing life back to this region. Thanks to our former vineyard manager, the late Bill Wilksch, who spearheaded this project, over 200,000 native trees and shrubs have been planted in a dedicated conservation area at Oxford Landing.​

What this means: Flourishing flora and fauna creates strong biodiversity around our vineyards, promoting natural yeast populations, soil health, and naturally reducing pests for flavoursome wines.


We recycle 100% of our winery wastewater across all of our Australian sites, repurposing this across our drought tolerant vines throughout Australia. ​

What this means: We acknowledge that making wine is thirsty work, but by repurposing this water, we reduce our impact on the environment. As a total business, we are able to repurpose the equivalent of 40 Olympic Swimming Pools of water1.



Find Out About Our Renewable Energy and Packaging Solutions




As a total business, we generate 24% of our power requirements through our own solar installations. ​

What this means: Reduced carbon impact equivalent to 351 passenger cars off the road each year2.


We have chosen to package all of our Oxford Landing wines in lightweight glass, recycled cartons and FSC certified paper labels. ​

What this means: Packaging is a major contributor to our industry’s carbon emissions. Lighter bottles are more efficient to produce and ship. Our transition to lightweight bottles has reduced our carbon output by approximately 170 tonnes per year and we are able to fit between 8%-14% more wine on each pallet, so we’re saving on transport emissions, while also supporting continuing to support local jobs by bottling at our home in South Australia3.


1 Wastewater generated and re-purposed from Hill-Smith Family Estates’ winery sites, being 100ML, Olympic Pool volume of 2.5ML,  HSFE SWA 2022-2023 Report. 

2 Hill-Smith Family Estates’ total solar production, based on 2,486 MWh pa at 0.65 tonnes per MWh/ 165TCO2, and average car emissions of 4.6 TCO2 p.a. 

3 Based on MAT sales to March 2024, with saving of 54-57g per bottle, Visy Emissions 2024.


Learn More About Our Collection
Our wines benefit from the rich flavours of a biodiverse vineyard while our native fauna thrives, creating a symphony of birds, insects, frogs, and bats. Click throgh below to learn more about the wonderful wines in the Oxford Landing Regenerate Collection.
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